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Hulu Announces Price Hike for Live TV Subscribers, Drop for Ad-Supported Customers

The Handmaid’s Tale</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/1a659bf9f85ef088a60211c4a890e073/170919-alexis-bledel-the-handmaids-tale.jpg|×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/43da52dcbe5f2dca7c0b85f0d05bded1/170919-alexis-bledel-the-handmaids-tale.jpg|×1245/5092ce087ee25e690f6827502a77cad1/170919-alexis-bledel-the-handmaids-tale.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”Alexis Bledel, The Handmaid’s Tale ” width=”770″>

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Netflix isn’t the only streaming service that’ll be increasing its subscription costs this year.

Per Variety, Hulu will also bump up prices for customers who subscribe to its Live TV package, from $39.99 to $44.99 per month. That $5 increase amounts to a whopping 12.5 percent increase, and it’s meant to help the company turn a profit on its Live TV option.

For those that simply subscribe to Hulu’s ad-free platform experience, however, prices will remain the same at $11.99.

Meanwhile, one set of customers who’ll see their fees drop when the changes take effect are those with ad-supported subscriptions — the monthly cost will go down by $2, from $7.99 to $5.99. The trade reports that the company has experienced high customer retention with this option, as well as increased revenue from advertisers.

These changes will be put into place next month, starting Feb. 26, for new subscribers, while existing users who are affected by these price shifts will see their bills change during the following billing cycle.

Hulu has been increasing its original content slate in recent years — although not to the degree that Netflix has. In addition to housing new favorites like The Handmaid’s Tale, Castle Rock and Future Man, the streaming service will soon launch a few new series, including Pen15 (Feb. 8), Shrill (March 15) and The Act (March 30).

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