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Mindy Kaling Thinks Kelly Probably Murdered Ryan on The Office

The Office</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/5b073644e6b7131ba90c95c1a190dded/171218-steve-carrel-rainn-wilson-the-office.jpg|×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/c182a8599d3750da2d18591091a98f31/171218-steve-carrel-rainn-wilson-the-office.jpg|×1245/964ee127f218fc9070dc098ba9e38d69/171218-steve-carrel-rainn-wilson-the-office.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”Rainn Wilson and Steve Carell, The Office” width=”770″>

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It’s quite fun to think about where some of your favorite TV characters might be now, years after their shows have signed off. Are they happy? Are they divorced? Are they living in a decrepit shack in the middle of the woods and drinking their own urine to survive? Anything is possible if you want it to be! And Mindy Kaling believes that, in 2019, her Office character, Kelly Kapoor, is probably in jail… for murder.

“There’s not an insignificant part of me that thinks that Kelly might be in jail; a crime of passion,” the actress recently told Variety. “The character just kept getting a little bit more and more unhinged. I don’t want to say that she murdered [B.J. Novak’s] Ryan but, like, I’m also not convinced that he’s still alive in the world of The Office.”

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To be honest, Kaling, who also was a writer for The Office, kind of has a valid point. As anyone who watched the NBC comedy can attest, Kelly was rather unpredictable and her relationship with Ryan was definitely not normal. So I’m not sure it would surprise anyone if one day Kelly turned up on an episode of Snapped or maybe even one of Netflix’s true crime documentaries.

Sorry, Ryan.

Where is Kelly Kapoor now? Mindy Kaling weighs in: “I don’t want to say that she murdered Ryan, but I’m also not convinced that he’s still alive in the world of #TheOffice”

— Variety (@Variety) January 23, 2019

The Office is streaming on Netflix.

The Office</em>” class=”article-attached-image-img b-lazy” data-src=”||” height=”1380″ src=”” title=”​Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak, The Office” width=”2070″>Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak, The OfficePhoto: NBC

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