Riverdale Season 3 Episode 10: The Cast Reacts to the Gargoyle King Reveal

Riverdale</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2018/12/14/5407600e-9f6e-4694-a406-7a46bf4e3e99/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/c8927f89d4dd382a5dc6ffb9a62a4a52/gargoyleking.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2018/12/14/5407600e-9f6e-4694-a406-7a46bf4e3e99/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/389e27458df6b7668d2bb9b92ed7b1a0/gargoyleking.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2018/12/14/5407600e-9f6e-4694-a406-7a46bf4e3e99/thumbnail/2070×1245/08f850f794777208ab93fc3c3021522e/gargoyleking.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”Riverdale” width=”770″>

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Riverdale finally answered some of the season’s biggest questions in Wednesday’s new episode, only to leave fans with 100 more by the end of the action-packed hour. First and foremost, you should know that Archie (KJ Apa) survived his bear attack. He spent a few days in the hospital and walked back to Riverdale with a couple of scars. No big deal. He got there just in time for the SATs! But the Scooby Gang didn’t really have a lot of time for studying since they were busy tracking down the Gargoyle King (or so we think) and trying to take Hiram (Mark Consuelos) down once and for all.

Which brings us here: It turns out that Tall Boy (Scott McNeil) was the man behind the Gargoyle King’s skeleton mask! Yes, the former Serpent was the man stalking teenagers in the woods and helping Hiram flood the town with Fizzle Rocks. Why? Well, that still remains unclear. Surely there were easier ways to get drugs in, right? Like we said, there are still a lot of questions here.

TV Guide was on the Riverdale set this week and had the opportunity to ask the Scooby Gang exactly what they thought about the Gargoyle King reveal and where the story goes from here. Their reactions ranged from the skeptical to “I knew it!” But who guessed correctly?

Cole Sprouse: I didn’t believe it. I truly did not believe it, and I don’t think you guys should either.

Lili Reinhart: I felt like there was more to the story. It couldn’t have been wrapped up that quickly. … I felt like there must have been more to it than that.

KJ Apa: Very surprised! I think people are going to be very surprised.

Camila Mendes: Honestly, I can’t say that I was shocked because I had a feeling that Tall Boy was going to be the Black Hood. I always sort of saw him as this villain, so him being the Gargoyle King is kind of perfect.

Riverdale</em>” class=”article-attached-image-img b-lazy” data-src=”https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2019/01/23/3e4aaaec-5d55-4984-9c66-04d8cb9385f7/190123-riverdale-cole-sprouse-lili-reinhart.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2019/01/23/3e4aaaec-5d55-4984-9c66-04d8cb9385f7/190123-riverdale-cole-sprouse-lili-reinhart.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2019/01/23/3e4aaaec-5d55-4984-9c66-04d8cb9385f7/190123-riverdale-cole-sprouse-lili-reinhart.jpg” height=”1380″ src=”” title=”Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart, Riverdale​” width=”2070″>Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart, RiverdalePhoto: JACK ROWAND, JACK ROWAND/THE CW

The Gargoyle King reveal wasn’t the only shocking moment of the episode, though! Hiram was shot by a mysterious sniper and is now stuck in the hospital. In the wake of this obvious town emergency, Hermione (Marisol Nichols) called on an old friend to step in as sheriff of Riverdale… FP Jones (Skeet Ulrich). The cast had a lot more to say about that jaw-dropping twist.

Sprouse: I really liked that narrative. It wraps up FP’s [storyline] in a really nice way and opens up an additional narrative for his character and also an investigation into the small crime part of Riverdale that I think the fans are really going to like.

Reinhart: FP as the new sheriff logistically makes no sense whatsoever, but in Riverdale it makes perfect sense. Of course he would eventually be the sheriff. I think its good for him because I’d like to see him take charge and take care of his family, and this position gives him the opportunity to do that.

Apa: I don’t think I was that surprised about FP becoming sheriff. I kind of saw that coming. I think that his storyline has been pushing in that direction. He’s become a better person and he’s been doing more things for Riverdale.

Mendes: That’s definitely an interesting turn for FP, but I’m glad his character is heading in that direction.

What do you think of the episode’s huge twists?

Riverdale continues Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

(Disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS, one of The CW’s parent companies)

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